black and white baby books

Black and White Baby Books: 13 Best Books to Read to Baby in the First Year | Updated 2024

Baby’s colour perception is quite limited at birth. So, the sharp high-contrast colours of black, white and some shades of grey are much easier for newborn babies to see and differentiate while their vision is still blurry.

best books for 2-year-olds

30+ Best Books for 2-Year-Olds and 3-year-olds (24-48) | Updated 2024

Many toddlers find the familiar routine of reading reassuring and calming. When your child reaches two years of age, this is where the whole fun begins. You can enjoy reading, acting, pretending, creating stories with the characters, and even searching for a similar character in other books.

russian children's books

60 + Best Stories for Kids: Where to Buy Russian Children’s Books

It is no secret that there are thousands of Russian-speaking expats and residents living all over the world. Apart from numerous Russian communities, stores with traditional food items, bilingual schools, and children’s centers, some of the items is still a struggle to get. So, today we will speak about how and where you can purchase …

benefits of reading to children

13 Benefits of Reading to Children and Toddlers: Age-by-age Guide to Reading to Your Baby

Children who are read to from an early age do better when they get to school. Learning rhymes and stories together will give them a flying start in life! These are the major benefits of reading to children, but there are certainly more that we will disclose in this article.

kids reading camping books

Stories About Camping For Kids | Books for 2-3-year-olds and up

We are avid readers. There is no day without a book, and I think I will be right to say that there wasn’t a night in five years that we didn’t read to our child. Check our selection of the best books for 2-3-year-olds. Also, we are camping amateurs. So, that was an obvious choice …

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